So, a lot to talk about this time - it's been a busy week. The flat is sorted - the supervisor sent me a beautifully printed Durham University reference, and so as of this week I have somewhere to live! It's incredibly exciting - just the thought of having keys again to somewhere I can call my own! Not that living with Alice hasn't been lovely - it certainly has - but I'm sure she is ready to get rid of the clutter that my belongings are causing, not to mention the general air of charcoal smoke that pervades some of my clothing...
Let's face it, on my budget the flat isn't up to much on my budget... but it'll do for now. It really has the feeling of a struggling artist's hole...
More good news, I am no longer merely a struggling unemployed graduate hopeful, I'm now officially a freelance environmental archaeologist! OK so I only have one client - the Nevern Castle Excavation, but it's good work - essentially continuing my masters for payment. Not bad eh!? I also have a second job as a tutor for students with disabilities, something I'm actually really excited about - I've always wanted to do some teaching - I think I was made to be a mad professor...
So things are looking up. In other news, my wonderful girlfriend got me tickets to London to see Avenue Q last weekend so we had a wonderful time seeing the sites - though it feels like we've walked miles. Definite recommend for the show - just go see it before it closes!
I'm writing this in the sun beside my floatation tank watching the mud break up off the stones and the charcoal spill into the sieve... it isn't a bad life. I'm poorer than the proverbiable ecclesiastically inhabiting rodent (sp. Mus musculus), but I'm outside in the open air, gaining data about a specific environment, and all seems good. I just hope I get paid soon enough to pay the rent......
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